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5 celebrities I saw in hell and gave me your message!

They are helpless…
There are tormented everyday…
I can hear their cry from afar...

The luxury life is over and the torments have started...

“The huge gate has a big lock you can't escape"

“In hell there are  currently tormented these 5 celebrities"...

Warn them they said to me from afar!

Each of them  is in his own pit crying for help...

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Therapist | Business Coach | Author | Entrepreneur 
CEO Sparkulous Pvt Ltd. 
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How I became a prostitute at 12 years old 



The angels played a part in separating and guarding the sinner and Lazarus from running away from their wages and they didn’t do mistakes, both arrived to their destinations thus Lazarus on Abraham’s side in heaven and the sinner in hell.

After death we are all transported to our destinations by angels who will be guards to make sure you are not lost, so if you are a sinner know you won’t escape to the other side.

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The moment the rich man died that’s when his suffering began, if he had known hell is real he would have lived a humble life here on earth as we here him on Luke 16vs28 saying

‘for I have five brothers let him warn them so that they will not also come to this place of torment’.

When the whole world will be busy doing burial procedures, crying for you some even running out of breath hence fainting in grieve for you thinking its all over about you shame that’s where it all begins in the spiritual life.


In hell he is being tormented non stop, he is in agony that’s when he cry’s for pith since his tongue is burning he begs for water to cool him from the excessive fire on him.

If petrol and fire can burn a person beyond recognition then imagine being burnt continuously without being able to die again forever day and night fire being on you the pain you can feel it you even wish to die but you can’t die because you are already dead foolish sinner,

the wrath is real that’s when you realize those pastors and prophets you mocked everyday thinking to yourself they were wasting you time they where the angels sent by God to warn you to avoid this terrible abyss in advance.


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In hell he is reminded of his deeds by father Abraham plainly and made accountable for them.

On the other side see how Lazarus deeds got him comfort and the rich man’s evil deeds brought him agony.

What we do everyday, the rude things we say, the living in strife with one another, selfishness, sexual immortality, un forgiveness to those who offend you all these are works which determine which road after death you will take.

The devil and his demons tell us in our minds to live ignorantly whispering to us ‘its not real, live as you want you are your on boss do what you got to do’ they enjoy the pain you will go through because they want to be with you in hell, he too the devil will be judged and sentenced to hell together with his angels, if I were you I would refuse to join him while I am still alive by doing good things to people and fleeing away from all those fake juice temptations he presents before you trying to lure you to his side.

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No one can cross over from hell to heaven once you go there its done the torments and agony start.

The same way darkness and light don’t mix, oil and water don’t mix is the same way those in heaven and in hell will never mix or climax together.

There is a great separation no one who gets to hell will ever bribe his way to heaven using his riches besides all you have you will

never enter with it inside you grave the dust to dust mantra they say on your dead body is enough sign you won’t bribe anyone ahead where you are going.

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This rich man the pain was to much in hell that he thought someone had to raise from the dead to warn his relatives and brothers to stop their evil ways so as to avoid this horrific pain after death but to no avail.

Once you are dead you can never come back if you go to hell its all over for resurrection is for the righteous you are doomed in eternal fire the cries you will be making there will never move anyone

the devil who was seducing you to sin he to will be in his pit of fire itching in pain he wont rescue you.

No one from hell will be allowed to return and warn you, remember you are already being warned through this book.


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This rich man lived in luxury life and forgot being a good person anyone can be rich in a blinking of any eye but that does not mean your success on earth is a guarantee you will go to heaven.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said it is hard for the rich to enter heaven and even compared a camel character as even possible more than a rich person to enter heaven.

One wonders what makes it hard for the rich to be easy candidates for hell since its hard for them to cross to heaven.

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Temptations get even more

The more a person is getting rich it becomes even more easy for them to sin.

You can choose to take the easy root in any situation by just flashing money the integrity of any man is put to test, that’s why most rich people fall through dishonesty

Reasons riches makes it hard to go to heaven :

Abuse of authority

Money is a defense as wisdom is a defense, with money you can buy anyone who has no integrity.

You can corrupt people around you to influence your evil intention’s and outcome, in doing all this

you forget you are sinning and chance’s are high that whenever you are corrupting people you are taking advantage polluting justice and oppressing the voiceless bringing God’s wrath upon yourself


Entertainment becomes readily accessible hence it makes us forget to pray and be less cautious

about hell, the addiction to social media has the biggest weakness of even making us not read God’s word even to prioritize him in our life’s this in turn makes God’s voice faint in our lives and the devil to attack as easy without the proper shield of faith which comes through reading the bible

Disclosure the link below is to the book THE LIFE PICTURE which is available on Amazon and contains an in depth on this topic and if you click the link and purchase the book I will get royalties from Amazon, it’s total safe as I wrote the book.


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Your Safety Is Inside You!

Sometime's you hesitate and you are saved from an accident!

Sometime's you just follow your heart and get rich unexpected!

Something has been installed inside of us by God

that continuously warns us to be on the look out...

☆Look out for that opportunity 

☆Look out for that danger

We all call it the heart, it’s like it whispers to us but in fact it’s the spirit of God that lives inside of us.

If you nourish your spirit by reading the word,

prayer and fasting you will hear the voice louder

inside of you...

Always whispering, telling you which path to take in each situation you find yourself in...

When you are about to go to work, school or start anything listen to it...

When you are around fake evil people listen to it...

When you are about to do evil things the inner voice tells you softly and calmly...

When you neglect your spirit or its whisper, what I

term the warning sign the voice will start getting faint...

Always keep meditating on the word to keep your inner man strong and sharp to assist you in every


•It will warn you

•It will protect you

•It will make you rich

•It will give you life

The life Picture 

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