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Be confident.  The most important part of acting like a celebrity is confidence. Most celebrities you can name all have one thing in common: they are very charismatic. Charisma usually comes from confidence. Being secure and feeling sure of yourself will go a long way for your popularity. [1] To boost your confidence, make a list of your talents, accomplishments, and positive personality traits. Write down specific examples on a sheet of paper. [2]   Tape the paper somewhere visible that you'll see every day, like your desk or the inside of your bedroom door. Try to take the time to read off at least a few of these things to yourself each time you see the list. Use your positive qualities to create self-affirmations. Think or say to yourself things like: "I am smart," "I am kind," and/or "I am beautiful" whenever you start to doubt yourself. Try to be more outgoing. Don't expect other people to talk to you first. Strike up conversations with strang
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How to make $100 - 200 a day without effort full tutorial

You will make $100 - $200 a day without effort, let me teach you for free THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO PAXFUL MONEY ●INTRODUCTION● Welcome to the comprehensive guide on how to make money using the Paxful site. Today I will teach you how to make 10% to 20% of your money in profit from buying extremely discounted Gift Cards (Up to 45% discount) and turning them into cash. WHY THIS WORKS Paxful is a Peer-to-Peer cryptocurrency exchange site, where you can buy and sell Bitcoins for many different Assets and Currencies. Our main focus will be Gift Cards, this is because people who have no access to Cryptocurrencies platforms such as Coinbase or BitPanda (like African people) can only buy bitcoins from other people, offering a great profit to them for the services they provide. You will provide this service You will make 100$ to 200$ a day without any effort Let me show you how ●SIGNING UP● The first thing you have to do is signing up on Paxful. If you wish to support me you can use my referral lin


BLESSING KANHIWA BLESSING KANHIWA Therapist|Business Coach|Author|Entrepreneur CEO Sparkulous Pvt Ltd. About me  Read more... Bonus Download My Best Book For Free Click Here Now! ***************************************** Make Millions in 24hrs!  Change your wallet balance instantly...  Welcome Thank you for meeting me today...  I have so much joy Let me share with you my story...  • I was once poor, suffering and staying in a one roomed house with my wife and children.  • I blamed my boss who fired me for no reason...  • We would struggle for food me and my wife and our life was filled with pain, regret and hopelessness...  • One day I met God and a new mindset was instilled in me!  • This pushed me to decided that enough is enough I would change my life and never again settle for anything less...  • I've read more than 8000 books in the area of Personal Development, Success, Health and Engineering  • When I started applying all that I've learnt from books, tapes a

How I Became A Prostitute At 12 years Old

Hustling |Club fights |The rough sex |Human trafficking |Doggy-style paid the bills ***************************************** BLESSING KANHIWA Therapist|Business Coach|Author|Entrepreneur CEO Sparkulous Pvt Ltd. About me  Read more... ***************************************** INTRODUCTION I was running as fast as I can bare footed and my feet hurt so much because I was running in a gravel road while seven man were still chasing me and I kept on repeating the same thing over and over again "I didn't do it please believe me I didn't" I kept on shouting. "You don't belong to this village go away you deserve to die you're a thief we can't live with someone like you" they shouted. I was so hurt on the in side I kept on running until one of the man threw a huge stone that hit me on my head and I fell down. When I tried getting up it was to late the man got me and started beating me up badley. I was innocent my only crime was being a 12 year

Fastest way to get out of debt in less than a month!

Step 1. Tell Yourself the Truth.  The first, and probably the toughest, step of all was to commit to tell ourselves the truth—to face the grim reality of how much we owed and to whom we owed it. We knew we could easily lie to ourselves and pretend we were okay financially, which is what many people do. So, face the hard facts and hold yourselves accountable.  BLESSING KANHIWA  Therapist | Business Coach | Author | Entrepreneur  CEO Sparkulous Pvt Ltd.  About me  Read more   Step 2. Stop Accumulating Bad Debt.   There’s a saying that goes, “When you find you’ve dug yourself into a hole… stop digging.” We basically put a freeze on all debt. Anything we purchased was paid off that month. We stopped adding to our existing credit card balances and took on no new loans.  That step alone forced us to be much more cognizant of what monies were flowing out. Hey! Another Award winning Book I wrote  BE A GOOD WIFE BUT THINK LIKE A PROSTITUTE    Click Here Now! Step 3. Make